“A healthy relationship requires continual effort, not complacency.” – Unknown

“Complacency breeds mediocrity; constant effort breeds excellence in a relationship.” – Mark Twain

“A complacent relationship is an unfulfilled one.” – Unknown

“Love should never fall into complacency, but always strive for growth.” – Unknown

“A stagnant relationship is the result of complacency, not love.” – Unknown

“Complacency is the silent killer of passion in relationships.” – Unknown

“Falling into complacency is like choking the life out of a relationship.” – Unknown

“A complacent relationship lacks the spark that keeps love alive.” – Unknown

“Never let complacency settle into your relationship; always keep the flame of love burning.” – Unknown

“Complacency is the enemy of progress in a relationship.” – Unknown

“Complacency is like a poison that slowly kills the love in a relationship.” – Unknown SINS OF THE FATHER QUOTE BIBLE

“A complacent relationship is one that has lost its sense of adventure and excitement.” – Unknown

“Complacency is the thief of passion in relationships.” – Unknown

“Complacency is a sign of indifference in a relationship, not love.” – Unknown

“A relationship without growth is doomed to complacency.” – Unknown

“True love means never settling for complacency in a relationship.” – Unknown

“Once complacency sets in, the relationship begins to wither away.” – Unknown

“Complacency is the opposite of love in a relationship.” – Unknown

“A complacent relationship is one that has stopped growing.” – Unknown

“Complacency is the enemy of intimacy in a relationship.” – Unknown