“The only thing you can control is yourself and your reactions to the world around you.”

“You cannot control the wind, but you can adjust your sails.”

“Control your thoughts, control your life.”

“Take control of your own destiny.”

“Don’t let people’s opinions and judgments control your life.”

“Control your own narrative; don’t let others write it for you.”

“Sometimes the only thing you can control is your attitude towards a situation.”

“Learn to let go of things you cannot control.”

“Control is an illusion; focus on what you can influence.”

“Control your actions; let go of the outcome.”

“Success is not about controlling everything but adapting to what you cannot control.”

“The more you try to control, the more out of control you become.”

“Control your reactions, control your life.” NOTHING FEELS GOOD QUOTES

“Trying to control everything only brings stress and disappointment.”

“True power comes from self-control.”

“Control your emotions; don’t let them control you.”

“Control your time, control your life.”

“In seeking control, we often lose sight of what’s truly important.”

“Happiness is found in accepting what you cannot control.”

“Let go of the need to control, and you will find peace.”

“Worrying is a waste of time and energy; focus on what you can control.”

“Seeking control over others is a sign of insecurity.”

“Control is not about dominance, but about self-mastery.”

“Control your choices, control your life.”

“You have the power to control your own happiness.”