“Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.” – Charles Caleb Colton

“Copying is the highest form of appreciation.” – Armin Houman

“To be copied is not always flattering, but to copy is to truly appreciate.” – Unknown

“Originality is undervalued; imitation is overrated.” – Julie Klausner

“Copying is a tribute to the original.” – Jeffrey Zeldman

“Copying is the sincerest form of admiration.” – Unknown

“When you copy, you show love and respect.” – Raymond Loewy

“Copying is an art of appreciation.” – Unknown

“Copying is an ode to greatness.” – Emerson Cayetano

“Copy the masters and become a master of your own.” – Unknown

“Copy the best to become the best.” – Unknown

“Copying is a humble acknowledgment of greatness.” – Robert G. Ingersoll

“Copying someone’s work is a celebration of their talent.” – Unknown

“Copying is a testament to inspiration.” – Ellen DeGeneres

“Copying is a form of artistic love.” – Unknown A QUOTE ABOUT FRIENDSHIP

“Copying is a way to build upon the genius of others.” – Unknown

“Copying enables us to learn and grow.” – Unknown

“Copying opens doors to creativity.” – Unknown

“Copying is a form of flattery that sparks innovation.” – Unknown

“Copying is an invitation to collaborate.” – Albert Einstein

“Copying is the pathway to mastery.” – Unknown

“Copying is a stepping stone to originality.” – Unknown

“Copying is how we learn to create.” – Unknown

“Copying is the gateway to greatness.” – Unknown

“Copying is a way to pay tribute to those who inspired us.” – Unknown

“Copying is the foundation of progress.” – Unknown

“Copying is the navigation system for creativity.” – Unknown

“Copying acknowledges the brilliance that came before us.” – Unknown

“Copying is a form of flattery that fuels innovation.” – Unknown