“Cousins by blood, friends by choice.”

“Cousins are childhood playmates that grow up to be lifelong best friends.”

“Cousins make the best friends because they have been there through it all.”

“Having a cousin as a friend means always having a shoulder to lean on.”

“Cousins make the best friends because they understand your family like no one else.”

“Cousins are like siblings, but without the rivalry.”

“A cousin is a ready-made friend for life.”

“Cousins are the friends we grow up with and the ones who never leave us.”

“Cousins make the best friends because they share our blood, but also our secrets.”

“Cousins are the friends who have known you since day one.”

“Cousins make the best friends because they are like a built-in support system.”

“Cousins are friends who become family.”

“Cousins make the best friends because they always have the best stories to tell.”

“Cousins are friends who laugh, cry, and grow together.”

“Cousins make the best friends because they know all your family traditions and inside jokes.” BEAUTY INDUSTRY QUOTES

“Cousins are the friends who have seen you at your worst and still love you.”

“Cousins make the best friends because they understand the unique dynamics of your family.”

“Cousins are the friends who never judge, but always support and encourage.”

“Cousins make the best friends because they have a special bond that cannot be replaced.”

“Cousins are the friends who accept you for who you are and love you unconditionally.”

“Cousins make the best friends because they are always there to celebrate your successes and lift you up during tough times.”

“Cousins are the friends who make the family gatherings even more fun.”

“Cousins make the best friends because they have witnessed your growth and know your journey.”

“Cousins are the friends who make life’s adventures even more memorable.”

“Cousins make the best friends because they have a shared history that no one else can understand.”

“Cousins are the friends who become your partners in crime and partners in life.”

“Cousins make the best friends because even when you’re miles apart, you’re still connected at heart.”

“Cousins are the friends who make you feel at home no matter where you are.”