“Dance like nobody’s watching.”

“Life is better when you’re dancing.”

“Dance is the hidden language of the soul.”

“Dance is the poetry of the foot.”

“Dance is the joy of movement and the heart of life.”

“Dancing is like dreaming with your feet.”

“Dance with your heart and your feet will follow.”

“The dance floor is the only place where I feel completely free.”

“To dance is to be out of yourself, larger, more powerful, more beautiful.”

“Dancing is the closest thing to magic.”

“Dance is the conversation between body and soul.”

“When in doubt, dance it out.”

“Dance to express, not to impress.”

“Dance is the music made visible.”

“Life is short, dance more.” ONE LINER QUOTES ON WORK

“Dance your way through life with grace and passion.”

“Dance as if no one is judging you.”

“Dancing is the ultimate stress reliever.”

“Dance is the art of getting lost in the music and finding yourself.”

“The more you dance, the happier you become.”

“Dance is a way to find yourself and lose yourself at the same time.”

“Dance is the universal language of joy.”

“Every dance is a journey to the soul and back.”

“The best way to express yourself is through dance.”

“Dance is the purest form of celebration.”

“Dancing is like dreaming awake.”

“Dance enables you to find yourself and lose yourself at the same time.”

“Dance with your heart and your feet will follow.”

“Life is short, dance while you still can.”