“The work itself on a film is never fleeting. It lives on in the hearts and minds of those who watched it.”

“I like to disappear into my characters. I don’t want people to see me, I want them to see the character.”

“I don’t make changes for the sake of making changes. But I certainly don’t mind deviating from the truth if it serves the character.”

“Acting is about creating and inhabiting a completely new reality, and to do that, you have to be willing to take risks.”

“I don’t like to intellectualize the process of acting. It’s about instinct and intuition, not analysis.”

“The only thing that drives me is the desire to create something honest and truthful, that resonates with people.”

“I don’t choose roles based on how big or small they are. I’m interested in characters that challenge me and allow me to explore new territories.”

“The more specific and detailed a character’s past, the richer and more nuanced their present becomes.”

“I’m a firm believer in the power of preparation. The more work you put in beforehand, the more freedom you have on set.”

“There’s no such thing as a small part. Every character has their own story to tell, and it’s our job as actors to bring it to life.”

“The joy of acting is in the process, not the end result. It’s about discovering and uncovering, not showing off.” WHEN SOMEONE YOU LOVE IS VERY SICK QUOTES

“I have a great respect for the craft of acting and the people who came before me. I see myself as a part of a long lineage of storytellers.”

“I try not to bring any of my personal baggage or preconceived notions to a role. Each character deserves their own journey.”

“I’m not interested in fame or being a celebrity. I just want to do good work and have a positive impact on the world.”

“As actors, we have the opportunity to shine a light on important issues and make people think. It’s a responsibility I take seriously.”

“Being an actor means constantly challenging yourself and pushing your own boundaries. It’s about growth and evolution.”

“Art can change the world. It can challenge us, inspire us, and make us see things from a different perspective.”

“I’m always looking for new ways to approach a character and push myself creatively. Stagnation is the enemy of growth.”

“The greatest reward of acting is when you connect with an audience on a deep, emotional level and touch their hearts.”

“Acting is a collaborative art form. It’s about working together with a director, fellow actors, and crew to create something special.”