“I do not aim with my hand; he who aims with his hand has forgotten the face of his father. I aim with my eye.”

“I kill with my heart, for it is the true weapon of a gunslinger.”

“In this world, there’s nothing black or white, only shades of gray. But I choose to paint my enemies red.”

“There is no greater strength than the power that lies within one’s own heart.”

“My heart beats with the rhythm of death, as I cut down my enemies one by one.”

“Fear not the darkness, for I am the darkness incarnate.”

“When the path is shrouded in shadows, my heart becomes my guiding light.”

“To kill with your heart is to understand the true nature of life and death.”

“In the midst of chaos, my heart remains steady, ready to unleash its deadly force.”

“The darkness within me is what makes me invincible in battle.”

“With each kill, my heart grows stronger, fueling my desire for vengeance.”

“My heart yearns for justice and it is through killing that I find solace.”

“The power of my heart is stronger than any weapon, for it knows no boundaries.”

“I embrace the darkness within me, for it is what propels me forward in this twisted world.”

“When I strike, it is not only my enemies who tremble, but the very earth beneath my feet.” YEARS OF FRIENDSHIP AND STILL COUNTING QUOTES

“My heart holds no mercy for those who stand in my way.”

“With every life I take, my heart becomes a little darker, a little colder.”

“The face of my enemy haunts my dreams, fueling my desire to kill with my heart.”

“In the midst of battle, my heart beats with the excitement of the hunt.”

“Within my heart lies the fury of a thousand storms.”

“I leave only ashes and sorrow in my wake, for I kill with the fire in my heart.”

“To kill with my heart is to acknowledge the darkness that resides within all of us.”

“When I strike, it is not only physical, but a strike to the very soul.”

“In the realm of death, my heart is a relentless conqueror.”

“With every kill, I engrave my legacy upon this forsaken world.”

“Those who underestimate me will fall victim to the power of my heart.”

“Through every death, my heart grows colder, my resolve stronger.”

“I am the embodiment of death, for I kill with my heart.”