“A daughter needs a dad to be the standard against which she will judge all men.” – Gregory E. Lang

“A father is someone you look up to no matter how tall you grow.” – Unknown

“A father’s absence can leave a girl with unanswered questions and a void in her heart.” – Unknown

“A daughter may outgrow her father’s lap, but she will never outgrow his heart.” – Unknown

“It is harder to raise a strong daughter without a male role model, but it is not impossible.” – Unknown

“A daughter’s first love is her father, and if he is absent, she can feel lost and unloved.” – Unknown

“An absent father can leave a daughter searching for validation in unhealthy ways.” – Unknown

“Every little girl needs a strong father figure in her life to help her navigate the challenges of growing up.” – Unknown

“A father’s absence can leave a daughter feeling like she is not worthy of love and attention.” – Unknown

“An absent father may cause a daughter to have trust issues and struggle with forming secure relationships.” – Unknown

“A daughter deserves a father who shows up not only to her big moments, but also to the small ones.” – Unknown

“When a father is absent from his daughter’s life, she may seek validation from the wrong people.” – Unknown

“An absent father can make a daughter question her own worth and value.” – Unknown

“A father’s absence can leave a daughter feeling like she has to constantly prove herself in order to receive love and acceptance.” – Unknown

“A daughter may feel abandoned when her father is absent, leading to feelings of unworthiness and low self-esteem.” – Unknown

“An absent father can make a daughter question if she is deserving of love and attention.” – Unknown FRIENDS QUOTES TV SHOW FUNNY

“A daughter needs a father’s presence, not just his presents.” – Unknown

“An absent father can leave a daughter feeling like she is missing a piece of herself.” – Unknown

“A father’s absence can create a void that no one else can fill in a daughter’s life.” – Unknown

“An absent father can leave a daughter feeling like she needs to be perfect in order to earn love and acceptance.” – Unknown

“A daughter deserves a father who is present in her life, not someone who comes and goes as he pleases.” – Unknown

“An absent father can leave a daughter feeling like she is not enough and that she has to constantly strive for perfection.” – Unknown

“A father’s absence can make a daughter crave for male attention and affection.” – Unknown

“An absent father can create a sense of abandonment that can affect a daughter’s ability to trust others.” – Unknown

“A daughter needs a father’s guidance and love to help shape her into a confident and resilient woman.” – Unknown

“An absent father can make a daughter question her worth and struggle with her identity.” – Unknown

“A father’s absence can leave a daughter yearning for a love that seems just out of reach.” – Unknown

“An absent father can make a daughter question if she is lovable and deserving of love.” – Unknown

“A daughter’s heartache caused by an absent father can take years to heal.” – Unknown

“An absent father can leave a daughter feeling like she has to constantly prove herself in order to be seen and valued.” – Unknown