“I’m sorry, Sam. I guess I’m just a little rusty at this whole ‘saving people’ thing.”

“No matter how hard I try, I just can’t seem to outrun my past.”

“I’m tired, Sam. I’m just so damn tired of it all.”

“I’ve lost so much already, I don’t know if I can keep losing without breaking.”

“Sometimes, I think the weight of the world is just too much for me to bear.”

“Every time I close my eyes, I see all the people I couldn’t save.”

“I’m not sure if I can go on knowing that I’ll always be surrounded by death and darkness.”

“I feel like I’m constantly fighting a losing battle with my own demons.”

“I’m haunted by the choices I’ve made and the lives I’ve had to take.”

“There are days when I feel like I’m drowning in my own guilt.”

“I’ve become so used to the pain that sometimes I forget what it’s like to be happy.”

“I’ve lost everyone and everything that I’ve ever cared about.” I LOVE YOU AND WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU QUOTES

“Sometimes, I wish I could just trade places with the people I’ve lost.”

“I’m scared, Sam. I’m scared that one day I’ll lose you too.”

“No matter how hard I try to be the hero, it feels like I always end up being the villain.”

“I’m tired of carrying this burden on my shoulders all by myself.”

“I can’t bear the thought of losing the people I love, but I can’t protect them forever.”

“I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forgive myself for the mistakes I’ve made.”

“I’m so tired of feeling broken and alone.”

“I’ve lost so much of my humanity that sometimes I wonder if I’m even still human.”

“I’m surrounded by so much darkness, it’s hard to remember what the light looks like.”

“I’ve sacrificed everything for the greater good, but sometimes I wonder if it was worth it.”

“I’m overwhelmed by this constant feeling that I’m not good enough.”