“Nobody ever wanted me back in the old days, and I don’t see why they should want me now.” – Eeyore

“Thanks for noticing me.” – Eeyore

“It’s just a day, like any other day.” – Eeyore

“Why bother? Nothing ever goes right for me anyways.” – Eeyore

“If you ask me, nothing’s going to happen until something does.” – Eeyore

“I might not talk much, but that doesn’t mean I don’t feel things too.” – Eeyore

“I’m not sad. I’m just breathing with a little less hope.” – Eeyore

“Life isn’t for the faint of heart, and mine is heavier than most.” – Eeyore

“I guess I’m just destined to be a grey cloud in a world of sunshine.” – Eeyore

“Sometimes it feels like the gloom just follows me wherever I go.” – Eeyore

“There’s a certain comfort in knowing that things can’t get much worse.” – Eeyore

“Rainy days and me, we go way back.” – Eeyore

“Just once, I’d like to see the bright side of things. But then again, why start now?” – Eeyore

“I feel like an unfinished puzzle, each piece missing the sense of happiness.” – Eeyore

“I don’t expect much from life, and somehow it still manages to disappoint me.” – Eeyore

“I’m just waiting for the world to give up on me, like I’ve given up on it.” – Eeyore FAMOUS QUOTES ABOUT WORKING HARD TO ACHIEVE GOALS

“Sometimes it’s better to pretend to be okay than to burden others with your sadness.” – Eeyore

“I’ve tried so hard to be happy, but it’s just not in my nature.” – Eeyore

“I’m not being negative, just realistic.” – Eeyore

“I’ve learned that it’s easier to expect nothing and be pleasantly surprised, rather than constantly let down.” – Eeyore

“I’m tired of feeling broken and not knowing how to fix myself.” – Eeyore

“Sometimes it feels like no amount of rain can wash away the sadness in my heart.” – Eeyore

“I may be a little blue, but I’ll always find strength to carry on.” – Eeyore

“I’ve come to accept that happiness is simply not my strong suit.” – Eeyore

“I’ve considered trading in my raincloud for a little sunshine, but I wouldn’t know what to do with it.” – Eeyore

“Why does it always feel like I’m on the outside looking in?” – Eeyore

“It’s hard to see the beauty in life when darkness casts such a heavy shadow.” – Eeyore

“I’m used to being overlooked. It’s become my natural state of being.” – Eeyore

“I find solace in the solitude, where my thoughts are just mine and nobody else’s burden.” – Eeyore

“It’s not that I want to be sad; it’s just all I’ve ever known.” – Eeyore