“Blood is thicker than water, but it’s also harder to get out of the carpet.” – Dexter Morgan

“Some people make things happen. Some people watch things happen. And some people just wonder what the hell happened.” – Dexter Morgan

“In a world full of monsters, it’s the people who can do some good that are the most dangerous.” – Dexter Morgan

“The truth is more painful than any lie a person could invent.” – Dexter Morgan

“Monsters are made, not born.” – Dexter Morgan

“Sometimes, all it takes is a little push to reveal someone’s true darkness.” – Dexter Morgan

“There’s something hauntingly beautiful about taking a life; it’s an art form.” – Dexter Morgan

“People see what they want to see, not what’s really there.” – Dexter Morgan

“You pretend to be a monster long enough, eventually you become one.” – Dexter Morgan

“The darkness inside me never sleeps; it’s always there, waiting for the right moment to take control.” – Dexter Morgan

“The human heart is the darkest place of all.” – Dexter Morgan

“Everyone has their own definition of justice; mine just happens to involve a lot of blood.” – Dexter Morgan

“Murder is just a means to an end; it’s the thrill of the hunt that truly satisfies.” – Dexter Morgan

“Life is only as meaningful as the people you share it with.” – Dexter Morgan

“We all wear masks. Mine just happens to be a little bloodier than most.” – Dexter Morgan QUOTES FOR BEAUTIFUL HEART

“Karma is a funny thing; it always finds a way to balance the scales.” – Dexter Morgan

“The past has a way of catching up with you; sometimes, it takes a knife to remind you of that.” – Dexter Morgan

“There’s a fine line between justice and revenge; sometimes, I can’t tell the difference anymore.” – Dexter Morgan

“I don’t kill to satiate some primal urge; I kill to protect those who can’t protect themselves.” – Dexter Morgan

“Sometimes, the only way to find peace is to embrace the chaos within.” – Dexter Morgan

“Good and evil are not black and white; they exist within all of us, it’s just a matter of which one we choose to embrace.” – Dexter Morgan

“The past can haunt us in ways we never imagined; it’s the scars that remind us of who we truly are.” – Dexter Morgan

“Some people just can’t be saved; sometimes, the only thing left to do is cut them out of your life.” – Dexter Morgan

“We are all capable of great darkness; it’s the ones who embrace it that truly stand out.” – Dexter Morgan

“Life is a series of choices; it’s up to us to decide which path we take.” – Dexter Morgan

“In the end, we all get what we deserve; some just get it sooner than others.” – Dexter Morgan

“A killer’s actions can never truly be understood, only accepted.” – Dexter Morgan

“There’s a certain beauty in chaos; it’s the order that terrifies me.” – Dexter Morgan