“Death and disgrace are common companions.”

“The heart knows the secrets of all men’s hearts.”

“In the end, everything is interconnected.”

“Darkness whispers, but I shall guide you.”

“Beware, for the heart can lead you astray.”

“The heart bleeds for those who suffer.”

“Judgment is swift, but justice is not always served.”

“Listen closely, for the heart speaks the truth.”

“The heart is a map, leading us to the truth.”

“In the heart’s chambers, lies both darkness and light.”

“The heart knows the pain of betrayal.” POSITIVE QUOTES IN ITALIAN

“The heart remembers all that has been done.”

“Trust not in appearances, but in the whispers of the heart.”

“The heart weaves a tapestry of life’s mysteries.”

“Guilt leaves a stain on the heart.”

“From the depths of the heart, redemption can arise.”

“The heart mourns the loss of innocence.”

“Fear resides in the heart of the guilty.”

“The heart yearns for justice and retribution.”

“The heart’s desires can lead to destruction.”

“The heart’s song can bring solace or sorrow.”