“Sometimes you have to distance yourself from family not because you don’t love them, but because you love them so much.”

“Distance doesn’t separate people, silence does. And there’s a huge difference.”

“Loving someone doesn’t always mean staying close, sometimes it means letting them go.”

“Sometimes you have to create distance to protect your mental and emotional well-being.”

“Family is not determined by blood, but by those who are there for you when you need them.”

“It’s okay to choose your own family, the people who bring positivity and happiness into your life.”

“Distance is not an absence, but a time to reflect and grow separately.”

“Not all toxic people are cruel and uncaring. Some of them love us dearly. They just use their love as a way to manipulate and control us.”

“Family should be a source of support, love, and understanding, not a cause of constant drama and negativity.”

“Sometimes, the best way to love someone is from a distance.”

“You are allowed to outgrow people, even if they are family.” MARTIN LUTHER KING QUOTES ABOUT PEACE

“No one has the power to make you feel small or insignificant without your consent, even if they are family.”

“Just because someone is family, doesn’t mean you have to tolerate their toxic behavior.”

“Sometimes the healthiest thing you can do is to distance yourself from negative family members.”

“Your happiness and well-being should always come first, even if it means creating distance within your family.”

“Family should be a sanctuary, not a battlefield.”

“Surround yourself with people who support and encourage your growth. Sometimes, these people may not be your blood relatives.”

“Don’t feel guilty for distancing yourself from toxic family members. Your mental and emotional health matter too.”

“It’s essential to protect your energy by keeping a safe distance from toxic family members.”

“Remember, you can still love someone without subjecting yourself to their harmful behavior.”