“The best doctor is the one you run to and can’t find.” – Denis Diderot

“The greatest medicine of all is teaching people how not to need it.” – Hippocrates

“Doctors are just the human angels who heal the wounds of suffering.” – Unknown

“Healing is an art. Medicine is a profession. And compassion is the key to both.” – Unknown

“A doctor is not only a person who treats diseases but also someone who brings hope and strength to the patients.” – Unknown

“God not only heals bodies but also mends broken hearts through doctors.” – Unknown

“The best patient is the one who listens to the doctor without hesitation, and the best doctor is the one who listens to the patient with compassion.” – Unknown

“Doctors are like angels, they save lives and bring hope in times of need.” – Unknown

“God gave doctors the power to heal and the heart to care.” – Unknown

“The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient while nature cures the disease.” – Voltaire

“The doctor is the servant and interpreter of nature.” – Hippocrates

“The physician’s high and only mission is to restore the sick to health, to cure as it is termed.” – Samuel Hahnemann

“Medicine is a science of uncertainty and an art of probability.” – William Osler

“God is the ultimate healer, and doctors are the instruments through which He works miracles.” – Unknown

“A good doctor’s job is not just to cure the disease but also to uplift the spirits of patients and their loved ones.” – Unknown

“In God’s economy, nothing is wasted. Through suffering, our bodies continue to share in the mystery of redemption in Christ.” – Pope John Paul II AS THE NEW YEAR APPROACHES QUOTES

“The presence of God is the greatest healer of all.” – Unknown

“Doctors may give healing remedies, but it is God who gives the cure.” – Unknown

“Medicines can heal the body, but faith can heal the soul.” – Unknown

“God doesn’t make mistakes in His creations; doctors just help restore the balance.” – Unknown

“God is the ultimate doctor who knows what’s best for us.” – Unknown

“Doctors are like angels sent by God to bring comfort and healing.” – Unknown

“A good physician treats the disease; a great physician treats the patient who has the disease.” – William Osler

“God’s love shines through the hands of doctors and nurses.” – Unknown

“Wherever the art of medicine is loved, there is also a love for humanity.” – Hippocrates

“A doctor’s mission is not just to treat illnesses but also to bring hope and peace to the hearts of patients and their families.” – Unknown

“The best doctors are not just healers of bodies but also healers of hearts.” – Unknown

“In the hands of a great physician, medicine is not just a science; it’s a miracle.” – Unknown

“God often works through doctors to perform miracles.” – Unknown

“Doctors are instruments of God’s grace, bringing healing and comfort to the world.” – Unknown