“A true friend is someone who sticks by your side even when you have nothing to offer.” – Unknown

“Choose your friends wisely. Your friendship circle can either lift you up or bring you down.” – Unknown

“A bad friend will always find a way to bring out your worst qualities.” – Unknown

“Don’t let a bad friend manipulate your emotions and keep you in an unhealthy friendship.” – Unknown

“Don’t waste your loyalty on someone who takes advantage of your kindness.” – Unknown

“Surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you, not the stress in you.” – Unknown

“A bad friend will always gossip behind your back instead of supporting you.” – Unknown

“True friends will be there for you in good times and bad, but a bad friend will only be around when it’s convenient for them.” – Unknown

“A friend who constantly puts you down is not a true friend, but a toxic presence in your life.” – Unknown

“A bad friend will make you doubt yourself, while a good friend will remind you of your worth.” – Unknown

“You don’t need a large group of friends; you just need a few good ones who have your back.” – Unknown

“It’s better to have no friends than to have bad friends who only bring negativity into your life.” – Unknown

“A bad friend will always make excuses instead of taking responsibility for their actions.” – Unknown HAPPY TO BE YOURS QUOTES

“A true friend will apologize when they’re wrong, but a bad friend will never admit fault.” – Unknown

“Surround yourself with positive people who inspire and motivate you to be the best version of yourself.” – Unknown

“A bad friend will always bring drama into your life, while a good friend will bring peace.” – Unknown

“Don’t let a bad friend manipulate you into doing things you’re not comfortable with.” – Unknown

“A bad friend will only be there for you when they need something, while a true friend will support you unconditionally.” – Unknown

“A true friend helps you grow, while a bad friend holds you back in life.” – Unknown

“Cutting ties with toxic friends is a necessary step in finding true happiness.” – Unknown

“Surround yourself with friends who celebrate your successes, not ones who envy or undermine them.” – Unknown

“A bad friend will always make you feel guilty for pursuing your own goals and dreams.” – Unknown

“Choose quality over quantity when it comes to friendships. It’s better to have one true friend than a dozen bad ones.” – Unknown

“A bad friend will always make excuses instead of being there for you during your toughest times.” – Unknown

“Cut off toxic friendships, even if it hurts, because your peace of mind is worth it.” – Unknown