“Don’t give your heart away to someone who doesn’t appreciate its worth.”

“Protect your heart, for it is the most valuable possession you have.”

“Keep your heart guarded until someone proves they are worthy of its love.”

“Don’t give your heart to someone who doesn’t reciprocate your feelings.”

“Remember that your heart is fragile, so be selective in who you entrust it to.”

“Don’t let someone take your heart for granted; it deserves to be cherished.”

“Guard your heart against those who only want to break it.”

“Your heart is precious, hold onto it until you find someone who values it.”

“Don’t give your heart to someone who doesn’t treat it with tenderness and care.”

“Be cautious with your heart; not everyone deserves access to its vulnerability.”

“Never settle for less than someone who honors and cherishes your heart.”

“Don’t sacrifice your heart for temporary pleasure; wait for true love.”

“Your heart is a treasure; don’t hand it over to just anyone.”

“Don’t give your heart away to someone who has a history of breaking hearts.” FUNNY ANNIVERSARY QUOTES FOR DAUGHTER AND SON IN LAW

“Remember that you are in control of who holds the key to your heart.”

“Don’t give your heart away until you find someone who will protect it, not trample upon it.”

“Be discerning with whom you share your heart, for not everyone is deserving of its love.”

“Don’t give your heart away prematurely; let it be earned by someone who proves their worth.”

“Don’t let past heartbreaks darken your spirit; protect your heart and let it heal.”

“Don’t give your heart away to someone who doesn’t value you as you deserve.”

“Keep your heart out of harm’s way until you find someone who will cherish it.”

“Don’t give your heart away easily; let it be earned by someone who truly appreciates it.”

“Remember that not everyone can handle the weight of your heart; choose wisely.”

“Guard your heart against those who only want to use it for their own desires.”

“Don’t let someone break your heart more than once; learn to protect it from those who don’t deserve it.”

“Don’t give your heart to someone who only sees it as a means to an end.”

“Protect your heart from those who only seek to manipulate and control it.”