“I don’t work too hard because I believe in the philosophy of ‘why do today what you can put off until tomorrow.'”

“My work ethic is like a slinky; it takes a lot of effort to get started, but once I’m in motion, I’m practically unstoppable… until I hit a step.”

“I don’t work too hard because I firmly believe that if it was meant to be done, someone else would have done it already.”

“The key to success is not working hard, but working smart… and by smart, I mean finding the easiest possible way to get things done.”

“I work just hard enough to avoid being fired, but not hard enough to raise suspicions of being a productive member of society.”

“I don’t work too hard because I don’t want to contribute to global warming… my laziness helps save the planet.”

“Hard work is overrated. I’d rather work smart… or not at all if possible.”

“I’ve mastered the art of looking busy without actually doing anything. It’s all about the illusion of productivity.”

“I never work too hard because life is short, and I don’t want to waste it on things like responsibility and ambition.”

“I work hard enough to make it look like I’m working, but not hard enough to actually accomplish anything.”

“I don’t work too hard because I believe in a healthy work-life balance… which means a lot more life and very little work.”

“I don’t work too hard because I’d rather spend my time daydreaming about success than actually working for it.”

“I work as if I’m being paid by the hour… which means I try to get as little done as possible.”

“I don’t work too hard because life is full of amazing things to do, like napping and binge-watching Netflix.” GOOD QUOTES ABOUT FRIDAY

“I work just hard enough to keep my boss off of my back, but not so hard that I ever get a promotion.”

“I don’t work too hard because I believe in the power of procrastination. Why do today what you can put off until never?”

“I work at a pace that can best be described as ‘slow and steady loses the race, but who really cares?'”

“I don’t work too hard because I believe that the less you do, the less you’re expected to do.”

“I work smart, not hard… which means I spend most of my time thinking of ways to avoid working altogether.”

“I don’t work too hard because I firmly believe in the saying ‘work smarter, not harder… or, better yet, don’t work at all.'”

“I’ve perfected the art of balancing laziness and mediocrity. It’s like a tightrope walk… except there’s no reward at the end.”

“I don’t work too hard because success is overrated. I prefer the simple pleasures in life, like sleep and snacks.”

“I work just hard enough to maintain my average level of mediocrity. It’s a delicate balance.”

“I don’t work too hard because I believe in the power of positive thinking… as in, I positively think that work can wait until tomorrow.”

“I work at a pace that can best be described as ‘why do today what you can do next month… or the month after that?'”

“I don’t work too hard because life is too short to spend it doing things that make you tired.”