“I vant to suck your blood!” – Count Dracula

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I am besieged by a nightmarish phantasmagoria of fiendish apparitions. I bid you welcome.” – Dracula

“I have crossed oceans of time to find you.” – Count Dracula

“Do you believe in destiny? That even the powers of time can be altered for a single purpose? That the luckiest man who walks on this earth is the one who finds… true love?” – Dracula

“I never drink… wine.” – Count Dracula

“Blood is too precious a thing in these times. The war has been but a hiatus in the natural course of our appetites.” – Count Dracula

“The human world is a mess, life under vampire rule… is gonna be even messier!” – Dracula

“To die, to be really dead, that must be glorious!” – Count Dracula

“I bid thee, reseat this welcome!” – Count Dracula

“Soon, my revenge will be complete. Soon, you will all pay for what you have done to me.” – Dracula

“The blood is the life!” – Count Dracula

“Choose me as your vessel, and together we will be unstoppable.” – Dracula

“You are as insignificant as the flicker of a flame in an eternal darkness.” – Count Dracula

“There is no escape from my grasp. You shall be mine forever!” – Dracula

“I am no longer a slave to time. I am the master of all that is eternal.” – Count Dracula FAMOUS QUOTES ABOUT CHARLESTON SOUTH CAROLINA

“You will feel an icy shiver run down your spine when you realize… I am everywhere.” – Dracula

“There is no end to the darkness in my soul!” – Count Dracula

“My powers are infinite, my hunger insatiable. I am the true embodiment of evil.” – Dracula

“Beware the night, for it is when darkness thrives and we vampires come alive!” – Count Dracula

“Fear me, mortals, for I am the nightmare that haunts your darkest dreams!” – Dracula

“I am the prince of darkness, the lord of vampires, and I will not be denied!” – Count Dracula

“Prepare to face the wrath of a thousand centuries!” – Dracula

“My presence alone is enough to drive men to madness!” – Count Dracula

“I revel in the chaos and despair that follows in my wake.” – Dracula

“There is no solace in the absence of light. Embrace the darkness, and you shall be free.” – Count Dracula

“Even in death, I shall haunt your every waking moment!” – Dracula

“There is no defense against the allure of eternal life.” – Count Dracula

“In the realm of the undead, there is no love, only a hunger that can never be satisfied.” – Dracula