“Why did the Easter egg hide? Because it was a little chicken.”

“I found an Easter egg…and it was eggs-traordinary!”

“Some bunny loves you…and it’s not just because of the chocolate eggs.”

“Eggscuse me, but can someone please crack a joke?”

“I didn’t come here for the hunting, I came for the chocolate eggs!”

“If Easter eggs were currency, I would definitely be rich!”

“Easter: the only time it’s acceptable to put all your eggs in one basket.”

“Eggs-cuse me, but could someone pass the chocolate?”

“Why did the Easter bunny cross the road? To deliver eggs-citement to everyone!”

“Easter eggs: the ultimate treasure hunt…for your taste buds!”

“I love Easter because it’s the one time of year where it’s okay to put all your eggs in one basket.”

“Why did the Easter bunny go to school? To egg-cel in his egg-ucation!”

“What did the egg say to the Easter bunny? You crack me up!”

“Easter is all about finding eggs-tremely clever ways to hide chocolate.”

“What do you get when you cross a bunny with a computer? A lot of Hoppy Easter emails!” I HAVE MY SELF RESPECT QUOTES

“Why are Easter eggs never lonely? Because they always have a dozen friends!”

“Egg-citing news: the Easter bunny has officially hopped into town!”

“Why did the eggs go on strike? They were tired of being poached!”

“I’m not eggs-aggerating when I say that Easter is the best time for egg-cellent puns.”

“Who needs a gym membership when you can just chase after Easter eggs?”

“I hope the Easter bunny brings me chocolate…otherwise, I’ll be hopping mad!”

“Easter is the perfect time to dye some eggs-ceptional creations!”

“Did you hear about the egg that went on a diet? It really cracked under the pressure!”

“Easter is the only time it’s acceptable to put all your egg-spectations in one basket.”

“What do you call a mischievous egg on Easter? A practical yolker!”

“Why did the Easter bunny join the gym? To work on its hops and fitness!”

“Easter eggs: the only thing that’s acceptable to hunt for in your pajamas.”

“Why did the egg go to the party? Because it heard it was going to be a cracking good time!”

“Hoppy Easter! May your day be filled with egg-cellent surprises and lots of chocolate!”