“Sometimes, the best adventures are the ones we never planned.”

“You can never have too much passion and too much lipstick.”

“Fashion is the most powerful art there is. It’s movement, design, and architecture all in one. It shows the world who we are and who we’d like to be.”

“The best way to learn French is from a coffee cup.”

“I’d rather be overdressed than underdressed any day.”

“You have to grab life by the balls!”

“They say in Brooklyn, ‘You don’t count your eggs before they..what are we here?'”

“I’m just a girl, standing in front of a pastry, asking it not to make me fat.”

“I think Paris is good for my soul.”

“I’ve been waiting for a while for my life to [catch] up to me.”

“Do you believe in destiny? That everything happens for a reason?”

“I’m just living my own Cinderella fantasy.” QUOTES ABOUT LEAVING FRIENDS AND FAMILY

“I’m a magnet for both chaos and drama.”

“I’m getting closer to figuring it all out… step by step, éclair by éclair.”

“Just because something is cliché doesn’t mean it’s not true.”

“I didn’t come to Paris for a lukewarm life full of what-ifs.”

“Never be afraid to speak your mind, especially in a world that constantly tells women to be quiet.”

“I don’t need anyone else’s approval to be happy.”

“Sometimes the universe sends you exactly what you need at the right time.”

“Every moment of every day is an opportunity to start fresh.”

“You should never settle for less than you deserve.”

“Life is too short to worry about being proper all the time.”