“Sometimes the only way to let go is to realize there was never really anything to hold on to.”

“If someone is not adding to your happiness, it’s time to subtract them from your life.”

“Not all breakups have to lead to breakdowns. Some simply lead to breakthroughs.”

“Sometimes the person you want most, is the person you’re best without.”

“You may be losing someone who doesn’t want to be kept, but you are gaining freedom and the opportunity to find someone who truly deserves you.”

“Don’t be afraid to close the book if it’s not the happy ending you were hoping for.”

“Toxic relationships can be like slow poison. It’s better to cut ties before they consume you completely.”

“Sometimes goodbye is the only closure you need.”

“Endings are not always bad. Most times, they’re just making way for something better.”

“Don’t keep watering a dead flower. Let it go and plant something new.”

“You deserve someone who chooses you every day, not someone who makes you question their love.”

“You can’t start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one.”

“Don’t hold on to a mistake just because you spent a lot of time making it.”

“It’s better to be alone than with someone who makes you feel alone.” BEST FRIENDS FOREVER QUOTES IN ENGLISH

“Trust the timing of your life. Sometimes the end of a chapter is just the beginning of something better.”

“Sometimes the best closure is moving on and realizing you deserve better.”

“You can’t find happiness in another person if you’re not happy with yourself first.”

“You are the author of your own story. Don’t let anyone else’s chapter define yours.”

“Holding onto someone who doesn’t want to stay won’t change their mind; it will only hurt you more.”

“A broken relationship is like a shattered mirror. It’s better to leave the pieces behind and find a new reflection.”

“Closing a door isn’t always a bad thing. It can create space for new opportunities and better relationships.”

“Don’t let the fear of being alone keep you in a relationship that is holding you back.”

“Sometimes it takes a heartbreak to wake us up and realize we deserve more than what we settled for.”

“The hardest part of ending a relationship is realizing that you have to start all over again.”

“Sometimes walking away is the best choice you can make for your own well-being and happiness.”

“The key to moving on is accepting that the other person is not responsible for your happiness.”

“It’s better to be single and happy than in a relationship that drains your joy.”