“Even the devil can quote Scripture when it suits his purpose.” – William Shakespeare

“The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.” – William Shakespeare

“The devil himself can quote scripture to his purpose.” – Samuel Taylor Coleridge

“The devil can cite Scripture when he pleases.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Don’t be deceived, even the devil can quote Scripture.” – Lailah Gifty Akita

“There is nothing new about evil people quoting Scripture; there has always been a devil for whom Scripture is a compendium of quotations.” – Phyllis Tickle

“Satan can quote Scripture – but he always quotes falsely.” – J.I. Packer

“Satan knows how to quote scripture to his own advantage.” – John Irving

“The devil may quote scripture for his own purposes.” – Thomas More

“Scripture is such a necessary tool for spiritual growth that even the devil quotes it.” – Bill Johnson

“The devil is a good Bible scholar; I’m not worried about him. He knows scripture a lot better than I do.” – Peter Kreeft

“The devil can quote Scripture all day long, but “worthless man” and “abomination” do not change meaning.” – RC Sproul

“Beware of the devil when he quotes scriptures.” – Michael Bassey Johnson

“Even the devil can quote scripture, and better than many of his followers.” – Norah Lofts

“Satan is the master manipulator of scripture.” – John MacArthur LOVE SOMEONE QUOTES

“Satan may quote scripture to his purpose.” – John Milton

“Satan is an expert at quoting Scripture.” – Joyce Meyer

“Satan can quote Scripture so long as it suits his purposes.” – Ravi Zacharias

“Satan can easily quote Scripture, but at the same time pervert its meaning and intent.” – Billy Graham

“What will be tolerated by those who would claim exclusive ownership of Scripture is amazing. If Satan himself were quoting Scripture, it seems he would be tolerated either for his source or for his message.” – Dallas Willard

“Don’t lose sight of the fact that the devil can quote scripture. However, any interpretation he gives will always contradict what God teaches in His Word.” – Charles Stanley

“Beware of misinterpretation of Scripture. The devil can quote it!” – Billy Sunday

“The devil is too lazy to create new strategies. So he uses the same old tactics, even quoting scripture out of context.” – Rick Warren

“Satan is adept at quoting scripture out of context.” – Max Lucado

“Satan always quotes scripture but never understands it.” – John Recine

“Beware the eloquence of Satan when he quotes scripture.” – Kevin DeYoung

“The devil has the ability to quote scripture, but he doesn’t understand its meaning.” – Lailah Gifty Akita

“The devil knows scripture better than you and me, and he can pervert it so it serves his purposes.” – Max Anders