“Evil will always triumph because good is dumb.” – Dark Helmet, Spaceballs

“Evil can never be entirely conquered because evil lies within ourselves.” – Carl Jung

“Evil triumphs only when good men do nothing.” – Edmund Burke

“Good and evil are subjective concepts; what may appear evil to some, might seem justified to others.” – Unknown

“Evil is attractive when it gives us a chance to play God.” – John Updike

“Evil prevails when good people choose to remain silent.” – Elie Wiesel

“The triumph of evil requires only that good people do nothing.” – Simon Wiesenthal

“Evil is a path of least resistance, while good requires constant effort.” – Unknown

“In the end, evil triumphs not because it is powerful, but because good people fail to recognize the power within themselves.” – Unknown

“Evil can only triumph when good people are too afraid to stand up for what is right.” – Unknown

“Evil will always triumph when good people give in to fear.” – Unknown

“Evil triumphs when good people become indifferent.” – Unknown

“The triumph of evil is only temporary; in the end, goodness and love prevail.” – Unknown

“Evil may triumph temporarily, but its victory is hollow and fleeting.” – Unknown

“Evil flourishes only when good people fail to recognize their own power to fight against it.” – Unknown

“Evil only has power over us if we allow it to.” – Unknown HARD WORK FOOTBALL QUOTES

“Only through acknowledging the evil within us can we triumph over it.” – Unknown

“The triumph of evil is not inevitable; it is merely the result of apathy and complacency.” – Unknown

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke

“Evil only triumphs when good people choose to turn a blind eye.” – Unknown

“Evil triumphs when good people fail to unite and stand together against it.” – Unknown

“The darkest hour may be just before the dawn, but it is in that darkness that evil often triumphs.” – Unknown

“Evil triumphs when good people lose hope and give up the fight.” – Unknown

“Evil prevails when good people underestimate its power and influence.” – Unknown

“Evil will always find a way to thrive, but so will good.” – Unknown

“Evil triumphs when good people succumb to their own inner demons.” – Unknown

“The triumph of evil is not a sign of true power, but of the weakness within humanity.” – Unknown

“Evil may win battles, but good will always win the war.” – Unknown

“Evil can only triumph when good people remain passive.” – Unknown

“In the face of evil, the triumph of good is not guaranteed, but it is always worth fighting for.” – Unknown