“I used to think that love was forever, but now I’m not so sure anymore.”

“It hurts to know that the person who once made me happy is now the reason for my tears.”

“Missing someone who doesn’t miss you is the worst feeling in the world.”

“Sometimes, you have to forget what you feel and remember what you deserve.”

“Breaking up is like having the darkest days in your life without any hope of light.”

“The saddest part about loving someone is when you realize that they don’t feel the same way.”

“The worst kind of heartbreak is when you can’t even hate them because you still love them.”

“It’s sad how quickly someone can go from being the reason you smile to being the reason you cry.”

“Sometimes, you have to give up on people, not because you don’t care, but because they don’t.”

“I never knew heartbreak until I had to let go of the person I thought was my forever.”

“You can’t force someone to love you. You just have to learn to let go and accept that it’s not meant to be.”

“A broken heart is just a reminder that we were strong enough to love, even if it didn’t last.”

“You can’t heal a wound by pretending it’s not there. You have to acknowledge the pain before you can move on.”

“Love doesn’t hurt, loving the wrong person does.”

“Sometimes, you have to walk away from the person you love because staying hurts even more.” LETTING GO OF TOXIC FRIENDS QUOTES

“The saddest thing about love is that it’s not enough to make someone stay.”

“Crying doesn’t mean you’re weak. Sometimes, it’s just the only way to let your feelings out.”

“Even though you broke my heart, I’ll still always have a piece of it that belongs to you.”

“Loving someone who doesn’t feel the same way is like trying to fly with broken wings.”

“It hurts when you have someone in your heart, but you can’t have them in your arms.”

“You never realize how much someone meant to you until you have to say goodbye.”

“Love is supposed to bring happiness, not tears and heartbreak.”

“I never thought loving you would hurt this much.”

“It’s hard to say goodbye when you didn’t want it to end.”

“The hardest part about moving on is accepting that the person you lost just wasn’t meant for you.”

“No matter how much you love someone, you have to love yourself enough to let them go if they don’t love you back.”

“Hearts are fragile, and sometimes the cracks are too deep to fix.”

“Don’t ignore the pain, because someday it’ll all make sense why it had to happen.”