“Excuses are like nails, they only hold you back.” -Unknown

“Excuses are like lies we tell ourselves.” -Robin Sharma

“Excuses are like crutches, they only make you weak.” -Unknown

“Excuses are like roadblocks on the path to success.” -Unknown

“Excuses are like birds, they fly away when you face them head-on.” -Robin Sharma

“Excuses are like shadows, they follow you wherever you go.” -Unknown

“Excuses are like chains, they keep you bound to your comfort zone.” -Unknown

“Excuses are like poison, they slowly kill your potential.” -Robin Sharma

“Excuses are like weeds in a garden, they choke out your dreams.” -Unknown

“Excuses are like clouds, they cover the sun of your potential.” -Unknown

“Excuses are like crumbled paper, they litter your path to success.” -Unknown

“Excuses are like villains in your life story, always trying to hold you back.” -Unknown BEST STUDY QUOTES FOR STUDENTS

“Excuses are like the walls of a prison cell, they keep you trapped.” -Unknown

“Excuses are like a safety net, preventing you from taking risks.” -Unknown

“Excuses are like shackles on your ankles, holding you down.” -Unknown

“Excuses are like blindfolds, they keep you from seeing the possibilities.” -Unknown

“Excuses are like quicksand, the more you struggle, the deeper you sink.” -Unknown

“Excuses are like a crutch for the weak-minded.” -Unknown

“Excuses are like weights on your shoulders, slowing you down.” -Unknown

“Excuses are like empty promises to yourself.” -Unknown

“Excuses are like an alarm clock, waking you up from your dreams.” -Unknown

“Excuses are like a reverse gear, always taking you backward.” -Unknown