“Excuses are the nails used to build a house of failure.” – Jim Rohn

“Excuses are the enemy of progress.” – Unknown

“Excuses are the crutches of the uncommitted.” – Unknown

“Excuses are the lies we tell ourselves in order to feel better about not doing what we know we should.” – Unknown

“Excuses will always be there for you, but opportunities won’t.” – Unknown

“Excuses are the walls that block your path to success.” – Unknown

“Excuses are the bridges to nowhere.” – Unknown

“Excuses won’t improve your situation, action will.” – Unknown

“Excuses are the shortcuts to mediocrity.” – Unknown

“Excuses are the bridges we build to failure.” – Unknown

“Excuses are the tools of the incompetent, and those who excel in them seldom do anything else.” – Unknown

“Excuses are the chains that bind you to your limitations.” – Unknown

“Excuses are the refuge of cowards.” – Unknown

“Excuses are the seeds that grow into regret.” – Unknown

“Excuses are the barriers that prevent success from entering your life.” – Unknown FAMOUS QUOTES ABOUT TAX EVASION

“Excuses are the poison that kills your dreams.” – Unknown

“Excuses are the enemies of personal development.” – Unknown

“Excuses are the fuel for procrastination.” – Unknown

“Excuses are the masks we wear to hide our fears.” – Unknown

“Excuses won’t solve your problems, actions will.” – Unknown

“Excuses are the shackles that restrict your potential.” – Unknown

“Excuses are the sirens that lure you away from your goals.” – Unknown

“Excuses are the obstacles we create for ourselves.” – Unknown

“Excuses are the tools of the weak-minded.” – Unknown

“Excuses are the barriers to success that we create in our minds.” – Unknown

“Excuses are the comfort zone of the fearful.” – Unknown

“Excuses are the crutches we lean on when we don’t want to take responsibility.” – Unknown

“Excuses are the chains that bind you to your past.” – Unknown

“Excuses are the handbrakes on the vehicle of progress.” – Unknown