“Faith is like a muscle – the more you use it, the stronger it gets.” – Unknown

“Faith is like a muscle, you have to exercise it regularly.” – Unknown

“Just as physical strength can be developed through exercise, faith is strengthened through challenges.” – Billy Graham

“Faith is like a muscle that grows stronger with each test of adversity.” – Unknown

“Faith is like a muscle, it needs to be stretched and used regularly in order to grow.” – Unknown

“Faith is like a muscle, if you don’t exercise it, it will become weak and ineffective.” – Unknown

“Just like you can’t build muscles without exercise, you can’t develop strong faith without challenges.” – Unknown

“Faith is like a muscle, the more you work it, the stronger it becomes.” – Joyce Meyer

“Faith is like a muscle, you have to work it out to see its true strength.” – Unknown

“Faith is like a muscle, it grows stronger every time you use it.” – Unknown

“Faith is like a muscle, it becomes stronger and more resilient with each trial overcome.” – Unknown

“Faith is like a muscle, it needs consistent use to stay in shape.” – Unknown

“Just as physical exercise strengthens the body, exercise of faith strengthens the soul.” – Gordon B. Hinckley

“Faith is like a muscle, it gets stronger the more you use it.” – Unknown FAMOUS QUOTES ABOUT VAMPIRES

“Faith is like a muscle, it gets stronger with practice and perseverance.” – Unknown

“Faith is like a muscle, it needs to be exercised daily to stay strong.” – Unknown

“Just as physical muscles need regular exercise, our faith muscles need daily spiritual workouts.” – Unknown

“Faith is like a muscle, the more you stretch and challenge it, the stronger it becomes.” – Unknown

“Faith is like a muscle, it needs constant reinforcement to stay strong.” – Unknown

“Just as physical muscles grow through resistance training, our faith grows through life’s challenges.” – Unknown

“Faith is like a muscle, it needs consistent use to grow and develop.” – Unknown

“Faith is like a muscle, the more you use it, the better you get at it.” – Unknown

“Just like weightlifting builds strength in the body, faith exercises build strength in the spirit.” – Unknown

“Faith is like a muscle, it strengthens with use and weakens with inactivity.” – Unknown

“Just like physical muscles need rest after exercise, our faith muscles need spiritual rest and reflection.” – Unknown

“Faith is like a muscle, it requires regular training and nourishment to stay strong.” – Unknown

“Just as physical muscles need time to recover after workouts, our faith needs moments of stillness to rejuvenate.” – Unknown