“Keep your circle small and your middle finger up.”

“Some people are like clouds, when they disappear, the day gets brighter.”

“Fake friends are like shadows, always there when they need something but nowhere to be found when you need them.”

“I’m not saying I don’t trust you, but I’d definitely trust a hungry squirrel with my nuts more than you.”

“Fake friends are like plastic plants, they may look real but they never grow.”

“I’d rather have an enemy who slaps me in the face, than a friend who stabs me in the back.”

“Fake friends are like a set of false teeth, they only show up when it’s convenient for them.”

“Sorry, I can’t hang out right now. My fake friend just sent me a fake invitation to a fake party.”

“Fake friends are like pennies, they’re only good for pretending to be valuable.”

“Just because someone talks to you, doesn’t mean they’re your friend. Even a parrot can do that.”

“Fake friends are like cheap wine, they leave a bad taste in your mouth.”

“Fake friends are like wifi, they only work when they want to.” DAUGHTER BIBLE QUOTES FROM MOTHER

“A true friend stabs you in the front.” – Oscar Wilde

“Be careful of who you trust, even the devil was once an angel.”

“Fake friends are like a bad bra, they don’t support you at all.”

“I don’t need enemies, I have friends.”

“A friend in need is a friend to delete.”

“Fake friends are like mosquitoes, annoying, and always buzzing around.”

“Fake friends are like sour milk, they might look like they’re fresh, but once you taste them, it’s all bad.”

“Fake friends are like broken eyelashes, they’re just not sticking around.”

“Fake friends are like belly buttons, everyone has one but they’re pretty useless.”

“Fake friends are like soap bubbles, they disappear when it’s time to clean up.”