“Fake friends, like shadows, disappear in the darkness of your struggles.”

“True friends will never hurt you, while fake friends will stab you in the back without a second thought.”

“Beware of those who only come around when they need something; they are not your friends.”

“Fake friends are like autumn leaves, they may look beautiful but they will eventually wither and fall away.”

“A true friend will always be by your side, while a fake friend will find an excuse to leave.”

“Fake friends are like mirrors, reflecting only what they want you to see.”

“Distance tests true friendship; fake friends vanish when miles come between you.”

“Real friends are like stars, you might not see them all the time, but you know they are always there shining for you.”

“Fake friends will laugh with you, but true friends will cry with you.”

“A true friend will never gossip about you, while a fake friend will spread rumors like wildfire.”

“Fake friends are like fair-weather sailors, they only stick around when the sea is calm.”

“A true friend will believe in your dreams, while a fake friend will try to bring you down.”

“Fake friends are like shadows, they follow you in the sunlight but disappear in the darkness.”

“A true friend will always lend a helping hand, while fake friends will watch you struggle and do nothing.” HOPE NEW YEAR QUOTES

“Fake friends are like toxic fumes, they suffocate you slowly without you even realizing.”

“Real friends are like anchors, keeping you grounded in the rough seas of life.”

“A true friend will tell you the truth, while a fake friend will sugarcoat everything to please you.”

“Fake friends will compete with you, while real friends will cheer you on.”

“A true friend will never abandon you in your darkest hour, while fake friends will run for the hills.”

“Fake friends are like chameleons, blending in with their surroundings and changing their colors to please others.”

“A true friend will celebrate your successes, while fake friends will be envious and try to bring you down.”

“Fake friends are like peacocks, they show off their feathers in front of others but offer no support when needed.”

“A true friend will always be there to catch you when you fall, while a fake friend will be the one who pushed you.”

“Fake friends will always have an ulterior motive, while real friends are selfless and genuine.”

“A true friend will never betray your trust, while a fake friend will sell you out for their benefit.”

“Fake friends will use you, abuse you, and discard you when they are done, while real friends will cherish and value your friendship.”