“War never changes. Men do, through the roads they walk.”

“All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible.”

“It’s said war – war never changes. Men do, through the roads they walk. And this road – has reached its end.”

“I am no longer a lone swordsman. I’m the word of Caesar, and the voice of his justice.”

“In the game of conquest, there is one rule: crush your enemies totally.”

“Through the strength of Caesar, I am more than man. I am the God of the New World.”

“Strength is where we draw our power. We are the strong, the worthy. We rule.”

“They asked if I would betray my brothers because Caesar commanded it. I told them that Caesar needed men of strength, not cowards.”

“In my dreams, I have seen cities leveled by my hand, rivers of blood flowing through the streets. This is the future I will bring.”

“I bring peace to this land. My legion will cleanse the wasteland of the weak and the unworthy.”

“I am Caesar, and I have come to conquer this land. Those who stand against me will be destroyed.”

“The Bear, the Bull, the NCR… They all beholden to their own folly. The Legion answers to Caesar alone.”

“The NCR is weak. They hide behind the false cloak of democracy while their leaders grow fat and corrupt.” INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES ABOUT HIGH SCHOOL ENDING

“You see this solitude? These trees, the deep, quiet canyons? All of it is mine, just as it was meant to be.”

“We are bound together in honor, strength, and bloodshed. Our power knows no bounds.”

“My legionaries are disciplined and fiercely loyal. Their moral character is beyond question.”

“I will build a society based on order and strength, a society that will endure for generations to come.”

“I do not tolerate weakness. Those who cannot contribute to the greater good will be cast aside.”

“The tribes of the wasteland have squabbled and fought for too long. I will bring unity and order.”

“Where the weak falter, the strong prevail. This is the way of Caesar.”

“The tribes of the Mojave are lost, divided. They need a strong leader to guide them.”

“Caesar’s Legion offers a future built on conquest and discipline. Join us, and find purpose.”

“There is no room for compromise or indecision. The Legion follows my will, and my will alone.”

“Those who dare to defy Caesar will face the full wrath of the Legion. There is no mercy for traitors.”

“This land is mine, to conquer and control. None shall stand in my way.”