“Family, they say, is where life begins and love never ends. But sometimes, family can also be where enemies are born.” – Unknown

“The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies, but from your own family.” – Unknown

“The people who hurt you the most are often the ones who are supposed to love you unconditionally – your own family.” – Unknown

“Blood may be thicker than water, but sometimes, it’s also more poisonous.” – Unknown

“Family feuds are often the hardest to heal because they cut deepest in the heart.” – Unknown

“The strongest love can come from the most unexpected places, and so can the deepest hate within a family.” – Unknown

“In a family torn by bitterness and hatred, blood becomes just another stain on their hands.” – Unknown

“Sometimes, it’s easier to forgive your enemies than to forgive the ones who share your blood.” – Unknown

“When your family becomes your enemy, blood ties start to feel like shackles that bind you to your own suffering.” – Unknown

“A family divided against itself cannot stand, but it can certainly fall apart in the most painful ways.” – Unknown

“Betrayal from within your own family is like a stab in the back that cuts straight to the core.” – Unknown

“Family should be a sanctuary, but sometimes, it’s where you find your darkest demons.” – Unknown

“The sad reality is that sometimes, your family can be the biggest obstacle to your happiness and success.” – Unknown

“When family becomes your enemy, it feels like you’re fighting a war within yourself.” – Unknown

“Family is supposed to be the ones who catch you when you fall, but sometimes, they’re the ones that push you off the edge.” – Unknown QUOTES THAT MAKE YOU SMILE ON A BAD DAY

“To underestimate the potential harm your own family can cause is to naively believe that love can conquer all.” – Unknown

“When family becomes your enemy, it’s like witnessing a beautiful garden turn into a barren wasteland.” – Unknown

“Family can be the source of your greatest joy, but also the breeding ground for your deepest pain.” – Unknown

“The pain caused by a family that turned into enemies is like a wound that never fully heals.” – Unknown

“Being betrayed by your own family is like being stabbed by the people you trust the most.” – Unknown

“Enemies can be forgiven, but the scars left by family wounds may never fade.” – Unknown

“When family members become enemies, it’s like a part of your soul is torn away, leaving you incomplete.” – Unknown

“Family conflicts can be battles that wage on inside your mind, leaving you constantly at war with yourself.” – Unknown

“The most difficult battles are often the ones fought within your own family.” – Unknown

“Enemies that can break your heart and destroy your spirit can sometimes be found at the family dinner table.” – Unknown

“When family becomes enemies, it feels like a betrayal of everything you thought love should be.” – Unknown

“Family can be a double-edged sword, capable of both nurturing and destroying you.” – Unknown

“The bond with your family can be a love-hate relationship, with both sides fighting for dominance.” – Unknown

“Family turmoil can leave you feeling stranded on an emotional battlefield, wounded by those you’re supposed to call your own.” – Unknown