“A father is someone you look up to no matter how tall you grow.” – Unknown

“Any man can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad.” – Anne Geddes

“A father’s love is unconditional and everlasting.” – Unknown

“A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in society.” – Billy Graham

“A father is neither an anchor to hold us back nor a sail to take us there, but a guiding light whose love shows us the way.” – Unknown

“The heart of a father is the masterpiece of nature.” – Antoine François Prévost

“My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person: he believed in me.” – Jim Valvano

“A father is someone you never outgrow your need for.” – Unknown

“A good father is worth a hundred schoolmasters.” – Jean-Jacques Rousseau

“A father doesn’t tell you he loves you, he shows you.” – Dimitri the Stoneheart

“What a father says to his children is not heard by the world, but it will be heard by posterity.” – Jean Paul ADVICE FOR SISTER QUOTES

“A father is someone who carries pictures where his money used to be.” – Unknown

“The power of a dad in a child’s life is unmatched.” – Justin Ricklefs

“A father’s words are like a compass that guides the direction a child’s life will take.” – Wes Fessler

“A father is someone who wants to catch you before you fall but instead picks you up, brushes you off, and lets you try again.” – Unknown

“No matter how old I get, I’ll always be your little girl.” – Unknown

“A father is a man who expects his son to be as good a man as he meant to be.” – Frank A. Clark

“When my father didn’t have my hand, he had my back.” – Linda Poindexter

“A father is someone you can always look up to, no matter how tall you grow.” – Unknown

“A father’s job is not to teach his children how to be like him but to teach them to be the best version of themselves.” – Unknown

“Fathers are the most ordinary men who are turned by love into the biggest heroes, adventurers, storytellers, and singers of songs.” – Pam Brown