“Justice must not only be done but must also be seen to be done.” – Lord Chief Justice Hewart

“It is the duty of the Judge to interpret and apply the law, not make it.” – Lord Slynn of Hadley

“Rooted in the ancient maxim of the law, ‘audi alteram partem’ [hear the other side], the principles of natural justice have always been the hallmark of our legal system.” – Lord Mustill

“The rule of law requires that like cases should be decided alike. Like should be treated alike, for that is the essence of justice.” – Lord Denning

“The court has a constitutional duty to defend the liberties of the individual against the executive government.” – Lord Bingham

“The function of the Judge must be to administer justice according to law, not to legislate.” – Lord Donaldson

“The protection of the law is not just for the benefit of the law-abiding; it is also to protect the rights of individuals against the state.” – Lord Woolf

“The principle of legality means that Parliament must make the law and nobody else.” – Baroness Hale

“No matter how high the authority or how noble the cause, we must always remember that the end does not justify the means.” – Lord Reid

“The law does not operate in a vacuum; it helps to shape, and in turn is shaped by, the society in which it operates.” – Lord Neuberger

“The court is obliged to ensure that the process by which a person is deprived of his liberty is fair and just.” – Lady Hale

“The rule of law is fundamental to our constitution and underpins the values upon which our democratic society is built.” – Lord Phillips

“Justice requires not only a fair trial but also a fair hearing.” – Lord Woolf BIBLE QUOTES ABOUT FAITH HEALING

“The highest duty of any judge is to uphold the rule of law and the independence of the judiciary.” – Lord Sumption

“The court is the guardian of the constitution and the judge is the servant of the law.” – Lord Toulson

“The principle of open justice ensures transparency and public accountability in the legal system.” – Lord Kerr

“In our legal system, no one is above the law, not even the government.” – Lord Reed

“The purpose of the criminal justice system is not solely to punish offenders but also to protect society and prevent reoffending.” – Lord Hope

“Fairness is the cornerstone of the rule of law; without it, the judicial system loses its credibility.” – Lord Mance

“Courts must strike a fair balance between the competing rights of individuals and the collective good of society.” – Baroness Hale

“Judicial independence is a cornerstone of democracy and essential for upholding the rule of law.” – Lord Phillips

“The constitution is not a mere collection of technical rules but embodies fundamental principles of justice and fairness.” – Lord Walker

“A just society requires a strong and independent judiciary that can provide redress for those who have been wronged.” – Lord Dyson

“The law is not an abstract concept; it must be applied in a way that reflects the values and needs of society.” – Lord Collins