“A bad mood is like bad weather; it passes eventually.” – Kristen Butler

“When in a bad mood, remind yourself that you don’t need a reason to be happy.” – Unknown

“A bad mood never serves as a good companion; it leaves us feeling lonely.” – Unknown

“You can’t change the weather, but you can change your mood.” – Unknown

“Life is too short to spend it in a bad mood.” – Unknown

“Your mood shouldn’t dictate your manners.” – Unknown

“Bad moods tempt us to believe that our problems are permanent, when in reality, they are just temporary clouds passing by.” – Unknown

“The only disability in life is a bad mood.” – Scott Hamilton

“It’s okay to have a bad mood, but remember, it’s just a moment, not a lifetime.” – Unknown

“Don’t let your bad mood ruin the beauty of the day.” – Unknown

“A bad mood is like a flat tire; you can’t go anywhere unless you change it.” – Author Unknown

“Your mood should not dictate your manners.” – Unknown

“Bad moods are contagious, but so are good ones. Choose wisely.”- Unknown

“A bad mood is a sign that it’s time for a change.” – Unknown SHOW YOUR TRUE SELF QUOTES

“Don’t ruin a good mood by thinking about a bad one.” – Anonymous

“You cannot always control what goes on outside, but you can always control what goes on inside.” – Wayne Dyer

“A bad mood is merely a reflection of our inability to handle life’s challenges in the moment.” – Unknown

“A bad mood is like a storm at sea; it will pass.” – Unknown

“Sometimes, a bad mood is the result of overthinking. Learn to let go and find peace within yourself.” – Unknown

“You are not your bad mood; you are so much more than that.” – Unknown

“Don’t let a bad mood control your actions; you have the power to control it.” – Unknown

“A bad mood is a sign that you need to take care of yourself.” – Unknown

“Your mood should not dictate your manners.” – Unknown

“Bad moods often arise when we focus too much on what’s wrong instead of what’s right.” – Unknown

“Choose joy over a bad mood; life is too short to dwell in negativity.” – Unknown

“Today is a good day to have a good day, even if you’re in a bad mood.” – Unknown