“Cloning, wow. Who would have thought? There should be a limit to what science can do.” – Halle Berry

“Cloning is great if God made the original, then making copies should be fine.” – Doug Coupland

“Cloning is the world’s fastest-growing crime.” – Andrew Niccol

“No one ever said that duplicates had to be alive.” – Ray Bradbury

“I believe cloning animals and cloning humans are completely different.” – Nigel Farage

“Cloning may be human cloning, but it’s still cloning. It’s not about whether it’s a human being or a monkey, it’s secondary.” – David Baltimore

“Cloning is great. If God made the original, then making copies should be fine.” – Doug Coupland

“There are two kinds of people who carry knives. Those who stab people, and those who slice them. Do you understand that?” – Kazuo Ishiguro

“Her death symbolized our greatest fear, that one day we would no longer be allowed to be unique individuals, that individuality would become extinct.” – Kazuo Ishiguro

“Cloning may be good and it may be bad. Probably it’s a bit of both. The question will not be resolved by louder voices arguing.” – Mark Haddon

“Cloning will be damaging to human individuality if it is allowed to be general.” – Mark Haddon

“As much as I am a supporter of technology and progress, I believe in the sanctity of life and the need to preserve humanity’s uniqueness.” – Tom DeLonge FATHER BIBLICAL QUOTES

“The desire of some scientists to play god through cloning is a horrifying thought, for it undermines our very humanity.” – Tom DeLay

“Cloning is not the answer; it will create more problems than it solves.” – Lech Walesa

“The idea of cloning perpetuates the myth that we can control and manipulate life, when in fact, it is beyond our grasp.” – Wendell Berry

“Cloning is a scientific curiosity, but it should never become a reality.” – Dolly Parton

“Cloning strips away the uniqueness of every individual and turns them into mere copies, eradicating the beautiful diversity in our world.” – George Michael

“The clone is not the person; it is a lifeless imitation. We should not cheapen life by creating soulless copies.” – Celine Dion

“Human cloning is a dangerous path to tread, for it opens doors to unimaginable ethical and moral dilemmas.” – Morgan Freeman

“Cloning is a manifestation of humanity’s arrogance and desire to play god.” – Sigourney Weaver

“The concept of cloning implies that life itself is nothing more than a commodity to be replicated and manipulated.” – Stephen Hawking

“Cloning may offer some benefits, but it comes at the cost of undermining our understanding and appreciation of the complexity and beauty of life.” – Richard Branson