“Property is surely a right of mankind as real as liberty.” – John Adams

“The protection of property rights is the cornerstone of a free and prosperous society.” – Milton Friedman

“Private property and freedom are inseparable.” – George Washington

“The right to property is the guardian of every other right.” – James Madison

“The right to property is the foundation of human freedom.” – Thomas Jefferson

“Without property rights, no other rights are possible.” – Ayn Rand

“The right of property is the most important individual right.” – James Buchanan

“Private property is the bulwark of human freedom.” – Friedrich Hayek

“Property rights are the foundation of all other rights.” – Hernando de Soto

“A man’s house is his castle, and each man’s home is his safest refuge.” – Sir Edward Coke

“The right to property is the right to enjoy and dispose of things.” – John Locke

“Nothing is more vital to a nation’s well-being than rigid protection of private property rights.” – David Hume BEST BUMBLE QUOTES

“Property, in its largest sense, refers to all that a man has in exclusive right.” – Thomas Paine

“The right to property is the right to enjoy the fruits of one’s own labor.” – Frederic Bastiat

“Respect for property is one of the cornerstones of civilization.” – James Q. Wilson

“Property rights are fundamental to human flourishing and economic progress.” – Adam Smith

“There is no security for property or life unless the right to property is protected.” – Calvin Coolidge

“Secure property rights are essential for economic growth and individual empowerment.” – Ronald Reagan

“The right to property is the right to control and use one’s possessions.” – Frederic Hayek

“The private property system is the most important guarantee of freedom.” – Ludwig von Mises

“Property rights should be seen as part of the basic human right to personal freedom.” – Milton Friedman

“Property rights give individuals the power to make choices and control their own destiny.” – Friedrich Hayek

“The right to property is the foundation of a peaceful and just society.” – John Locke