“When Rwanda stops being a story of the unthinkable, it will finally cease being a wound.” – Philip Gourevitch

“Genocide is the family secret that everybody knows and that no one wants to discuss.” – Romeo Dallaire

“Never again will I kneel before animals who call themselves men.” – Immaculee Ilibagiza

“In Rwanda, a tiny country packed full of people, history, and a very dark past, there is hope – not in some distant future, but today.” – Kim Wagner

“Let’s build a Rwanda that is based on equity, not pity.” – Aloysia Inyumba

“In countries where genocide has occurred, it is important to move forward. Nurturing and educating the younger generation is crucial.” – Jacqueline Murekatete

“Forgiveness is not an occasional act; it is a permanent attitude.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

“Evil triumphs because good people do nothing.” – Paul Rusesabagina

“One life lost to genocide is one life too many.” – Paul Kagame

“We must find a way to look after each other, as if we were one single tribe.” – Grace Akello

“I have chosen to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.” – Martin Luther King Jr. SELF INSTA QUOTES

“The world must act to prevent future genocide and intervene when it occurs.” – Bill Clinton

“It’s only through love and forgiveness that we can heal the wounds of the past.” – Mary Kayitesi Blewitt

“To deny evil is to become an accomplice to it.” – Philip Gourevitch

“There is no place for hatred and intolerance in a society striving for peace and reconciliation.” – Charles Hazlewood

“We must remember the lessons of Rwanda but also strive to prevent such atrocities from happening again.” – Ban Ki-moon

“We cannot change the past, but we can shape a better future.” – Paul Kagame

“Remembering the past is important, but focusing on the present and future is crucial.” – Keshla Singh

“Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela

“To heal a nation, we must first heal ourselves.” – Immaculee Ilibagiza

“Rwanda is proof that hope can rise from the ashes of despair.” – Kim Wagner