“In civilized life, savage violence is replaced by refined savagery.” – Winston Churchill

“Savagery has been and always will be the nature of mankind.” – Leo Tolstoy

“Civilization is a thin veneer; underneath, we are all capable of savage acts.” – Lord of the Flies by William Golding

“Savage behavior is the result of a lack of empathy and understanding.” – Unknown

“Savagery is the outcome of unchecked primal instincts.” – Unknown

“The savage within us can only be tamed by compassion and understanding.” – Unknown

“Savagery is ignorance put into action.” – Unknown

“When reason fails us, savage instincts take over.” – Unknown

“Savagery breeds more savagery; it is a never-ending cycle.” – Unknown

“Savagery thrives where there is a lack of education and enlightenment.” – Unknown

“The line between civilization and savagery is thinner than we think.” – Unknown

“The face of savagery is often masked by a facade of civility.” – Unknown MONDAY WORK QUOTES POSITIVE

“Savagery is the enemy of progress and development.” – Unknown

“Savagery leaves a trail of destruction in its wake.” – Unknown

“Civilized society is built upon controlling our savage impulses.” – Unknown

“Savagery feeds on chaos and lawlessness.” – Unknown

“The mark of a civilized society is how it handles its savagery.” – Unknown

“Savagery is the dark side of human nature that lurks within us all.” – Unknown

“Savagery is the absence of empathy and compassion.” – Unknown

“Savagery is the lowest form of human behavior.” – Unknown

“Savagery breeds hate; love is the antidote.” – Unknown

“It is in the face of savagery that true heroism is revealed.” – Unknown

“Savagery is the product of a society’s failure to instill moral values.” – Unknown