“The herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction.” – Bob Marley

“I used to smoke marijuana. But I’ll tell you something: I would only smoke it in the late evening. Oh, occasionally the early evening, but usually the late evening – or the mid-evening.” – Barack Obama

“The only time I smoke pot is when I run out of heroin.” – Bill Hicks

“When I was a kid I inhaled frequently. That was the point.” – Barack Obama

“When you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself.” – Bob Marley

“Marijuana is self-prescribed for potential levels of anxiety or depression, which is why so many musicians and artists smoke it; it enables you to look at things from a different perspective.” – Mark Ronson

“Marijuana, when mixed with wine, produces remarkable dreams.” – Salvador Dali

“Herb is the unification of mankind.” – Bob Marley

“Why is marijuana against the law? It grows naturally upon our planet. Doesn’t the idea of making nature against the law seem to you a bit… unnatural?” – Bill Hicks

“Sometimes I feel like I’m a little piece in God’s jigsaw puzzle and I can’t be complete without smoking marijuana.” – Sir Richard Branson

“I don’t consider pot to be any worse than having a beer.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger

“Marijuana enhances our mind in a way that enables us to take a different perspective from ‘high up’, to see and evaluate our own lives and the lives of others in a privileged way. Maybe this euphoric and elevating feeling of the ability to step outsidethe box and to look at life’s patterns from this high perspective is the inspiration behind the slang terms ‘high’ and ‘stoned’.” – Sebastian Marincolo

“I have always loved marijuana. It has been a source of joy and comfort to me for many years. And I still think of it as a basic staple of life, along with beer and ice and grapefruits and millions of Americans agree with me.” – Hunter S. Thompson

“The biggest killer on the planet is stress and I still think the best medicine is and always has been cannabis.” – Willie Nelson FRIENDSHIP AFFECTION QUOTES

“Marijuana is not a drug, it’s a leaf.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger

“I don’t smoke marijuana anymore. I don’t smoke it less either.” – Bruce Lee

“We all need something to help us unwind at the end of the day. You might have a glass of wine, or a joint, or a big delicious blob of heroin to silence your silly brainbox of its witterings but there has to be some form of punctuation, or life just seems utterly relentless.” – Russell Brand

“Marijuana is quite possibly the finest of intoxicants. It has been scientifically proven, for decades, to be much less harmful to the body than alcohol when used on a regular basis (Google “Science”).” – Nick Offerman

“It really puzzles me to see marijuana connected with narcotics . . . dope and all that crap. It’s a thousand times better than whiskey – it’s an assistant – a friend.” – Louis Armstrong

“I’ve never seen cannabis as a drug – it’s a herb and a flower. God put it here. If He put it here and He wants it to grow, what gives the government the right to say that God is wrong?” – Bob Marley

“Smoking helped put me in touch with the realm of the senses.” – David Bowie

“I can’t claim a Bill Clinton and say that I never inhaled.” – Maya Angelou

“I enjoy smoking cannabis and see no harm in it.” – Jennifer Aniston

“Marijuana is quite possibly the finest of all intoxicants. It has been scientifically proven, for decades, to be much less dangerous to the body than alcohol when used on a regular basis.” – Jay Leno

“Marijuana is a useful catalyst for specific optical and aural aesthetic perceptions. I apprehended the structure of certain pieces of jazz and classical music in a new manner under the influence of marijuana, and these apprehensions have remained valid in years of normal consciousness.” – Allen Ginsberg

“Marijuana is like sex. If I don’t do it every day, I get a headache.” – George Clooney