“The transfiguration of Jesus is a wondrous event that reveals the divine glory hidden within humanity.” – Pope Francis

“In the transfiguration, we are reminded that the ordinary can become extraordinary when touched by the divine.” – Bishop Robert Barron

“The transfiguration is a preview of the resurrection, a glimpse into the eternal glory that awaits us.” – Timothy Keller

“Transfiguration is the process of allowing our true selves to be revealed, shining with the radiance of God’s love.” – Richard Rohr

“The transfiguration shows us that there is more to reality than what meets the eye. It challenges us to see beyond the surface and recognize the spiritual dimension of life.” – Henri Nouwen

“Transfiguration is the transformation of our minds, hearts, and lives through our encounter with God’s presence.” – John Piper

“The transfiguration invites us to embrace the paradox of our humanity and divinity.” – Rob Bell

“The transfiguration is a moment of profound revelation, where the true nature of Jesus is revealed to his disciples.” – Desmond Tutu

“The transfiguration is a reminder that God’s love has the power to transform even the darkest parts of our lives.” – Joyce Meyer

“The transfiguration teaches us that true greatness is found not in power and glory, but in humility and self-sacrifice.” – Mother Teresa

“In the transfiguration, Jesus becomes a symbol of divine harmony, unity, and beauty.” – Thomas Merton

“The transfiguration is a reminder that our ultimate destiny is to be transformed into the image and likeness of God.” – Fulton J. Sheen MISS YOU NANI MAA QUOTES IN ENGLISH

“The transfiguration reveals the interconnectedness of all things, the web of divinity that runs through creation.” – Matthew Fox

“Through the transfiguration, Jesus shows us that we are meant to shine with the light of God’s love.” – Sarah Young

“The transfiguration is a symbol of the journey from darkness to light, from bondage to freedom, from death to new life.” – Rob Bell

“The transfiguration reminds us that we are all called to be transformed by God’s grace and become more like Christ.” – Pope Benedict XVI

“In the transfiguration, Jesus invites us to let go of our attachments to the things of this world and seek the deeper joys of the eternal.” – Richard J. Foster

“The transfiguration is a mystical experience that reveals the divine presence within our ordinary lives.” – Cynthia Bourgeault

“Through the transfiguration, Jesus reveals his true identity as the beloved Son of God and invites us to share in his glory.” – N.T. Wright

“The transfiguration challenges us to transcend our limited perspectives and encounter the infinite beauty and love of God.” – Thomas Aquinas

“Through the transfiguration, Jesus shows us that true power is not found in domination, but in self-giving love.” – Walter Brueggemann

“The transfiguration is a reminder that we are called to be transformed by the renewing of our minds and hearts.” – Max Lucado