“We used to look up at the sky and wonder at our place in the stars. Now we just look down, and worry about our place in the dirt.”

“Love is the one thing that transcends time and space.”

“Do not go gentle into that good night, rage, rage against the dying of the light.”

“We’re not meant to save the world. We’re meant to leave it.”

“Mankind was born on Earth. It was never meant to die here.”

“We are survivors. We are explorers. We are pioneers. We are not afraid of the unknown.”

“Maybe we’ve spent too long trying to figure all this out with theory.”

“Once you’re a parent, you’re the ghost of your children’s future.”

“We are still pioneers. We’ve barely begun. Our greatest accomplishments cannot be behind us, because our destiny lies above us.”

“You can’t measure a parent’s love.”

“Love isn’t something we invented. It’s observable, powerful. It has to mean something.”

“The only thing that can transcend dimensions is love.” FRIENDSHIPS QUOTES

“We’ll find a way. We always have.”

“Murphy’s Law doesn’t mean that something bad will happen. It means that whatever can happen, will happen.”

“We’re not meant to save the world. We’re meant to leave it.”

“We’ve always defined ourselves by the ability to overcome the impossible.”

“No parent should have to watch their own child die.”

“We’ll find a way, we always have.”

“I’ve got kids, Professor. They’re going to need their father.”

“We are still pioneers. Our greatest accomplishments cannot be behind us.”

“All you need to do is calmly apply your knowledge and bring him back to life.”

“Love, it’s just like gravity – all it takes is a little push.”