“Live for nothing, or die for something.” – John Rambo

“They drew first blood, not me.” – John Rambo

“To survive a war, you gotta become war.” – John Rambo

“In town, you’re the law. Out here, it’s me.” – John Rambo

“Don’t push it, or I’ll give you a war you won’t believe.” – John Rambo

“I could have killed them all, I could’ve killed you. In town you’re the law, out here it’s me. Don’t push it, don’t push it or I’ll give you a war you won’t believe. Let it go. Let it go.” – John Rambo

“I want, what they want. And every other guy who came over here and spilled his guts and gave everything he had, wants. For our country to love us as much as we love it.” – John Rambo

“They don’t talk about the war. I don’t, either. In my way, I guess I still hate it. You’d see a lot of guys like me in the States. Guys who’d worked their asses off for their country and come home and found out that the country didn’t want them.” – John Rambo

“Sir, do we get to win this time?” – John Rambo

“A town is as dead as it’s law.” – John Rambo

“There isn’t one of us who doesn’t want to be someplace else. But this is what we do, who we are. Live for nothing, or die for something.” – John Rambo

“They drew first blood, not me.” – John Rambo

“In war, you my friend are a squid. It’s usually the pussies who are worried about the state police.” – John Rambo

“They taught me to kill, and I killed so good that I made history. War is in my blood. I’ve stared down the barrel of a gun. I’ve looked into the eyes of death.” – John Rambo

“I can’t let what you got here, what you done here, be taken away from you.” – John Rambo

“You have no soldiers, nothing,” says Rambo. “You have no chance. You are going to lose. In every way out there, you are going to lose, and I will do nothing to stop it. I will do nothing but stand watch, and if I am here when you cross this line, I will help you to throw your life away.” – John Rambo BIBLE QUOTES ABOUT THE IFUTURE

“I’m no hero. Those guys in the state police uniforms, the ones who do that job for shit pay because they have no other choice, they’re the heroes.” – John Rambo

“Some people will never understand the sacrifices we make for our country.” – John Rambo

“What you must understand is, that life is not everyone having access to weapons. Or the ability to kill another man. That is not freedom. That is not the world I fought for. That is insanity.” – John Rambo

“States police don’t fly helicopters, or eat c-rations or share shit with grunts like us. They have no idea. They’re just following orders.” – John Rambo

“For your sake and the lives of these innocent people, I hope that’s allowed you to learn how you feel about killing. Because you still owe me $1,000,000 for every bullet you put in me.” – John Rambo

“I’m no hero. Those guys in state police uniforms, the ones who do that job for shit pay because they have no other choice, they’re the heroes.” – John Rambo

“I would have come after you. I should have, but I didn’t.” – John Rambo

“Don’t forget one thing. A good supply officer can drive a captain crazy, and I’m a damn good supply officer.” – John Rambo

“When you’re pushed, killing’s as easy as breathing.” – John Rambo

“They drew first blood, not me.” – John Rambo

“They drew first blood, not me.” – John Rambo

“They drew first blood… not me.” – John Rambo

“There is no magic around you, and those people out there – they couldn’t care less if you’re alive or not.” – John Rambo

“Do we get to win this time?” – John Rambo