“I have long since closed my eyes… My only goal is in the darkness.”

“I don’t have parents, or any siblings. But now… I have Naruto.”

“My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I hate a lot of things, and I don’t particularly like anything. What I have is not a dream, because I will make it a reality.”

“Once you’ve met me, you’ll never forget me.”

“I will not allow my comrades to die. I will protect them, even if I have to risk my own life. It’s my duty as a member of Team ”

“I don’t know who I am anymore… But I know who I want to be.”

“I don’t care what happens to me, but I can’t let anything happen to my friends.”

“My scars are trophies. They remind me of the battles I’ve fought and won.”

“I’m not running away. I’m just moving forward in a different direction.”

“Strength is not about physical capabilities, it’s about an indomitable will.”

“I will never let anyone stand in the way of my revenge.”

“I have no interest in ordinary people. I am looking for geniuses who can become my rivals.”

“I’m an avenger. I’ll make them all pay for what they’ve done to me.”

“I will surpass everyone who came before me, even Itachi!”

“I will become strong enough to shoulder all the hatred in this world.” SISTER PASSED AWAY QUOTES

“The darkness inside me pushes me forward, guiding my path.”

“It doesn’t matter if you’re a genius or not. The only thing that counts is what you can do with the power you have.”

“I am the one who will change this cursed world.”

“I will walk my own path, even if I have to walk alone.”

“I won’t let anyone control me, not even destiny.”

“I don’t need friends, I only need power.”

“I will never forget the lessons I learned from my past.”

“Revenge is not a reason to live, but it is a reason to fight.”

“I will protect the ones I love, no matter what it takes.”

“My hate will drive me to surpass my limits.”

“I will use my power to bring justice to this world.”

“No one can understand the pain I went through. No one.”

“I may not be the protagonist of this story, but I will be the one who ends it.”