“You just can’t go around arresting everybody… my hat. Where’s my hat?”

“If the snow melts, what does it become?”

“We’ve got a long way to go and a short time to get there.”

“What we’re dealing with here is a complete lack of respect for the law.”

“Did you know those tights come in teal?”

“Wait a minute, I’m in pursuit of a black Trans Am!”

“We’ve got a convoy, can you dig it?”

“If you ain’t gonna show respect, you might as well go park it.”

“We’ve got a bear in the air!”

“Well don’t you think that’s, uh, rather ruthless?”

“He should be in jail for coining a phrase like that.”

“Mustang, this is Sheriff Buford T. Justice.”

“He’s right in front of us. You can practically smell the manure.” BEAUTIFUL GREETINGS QUOTES

“I’ve got a slight, uh, flamethrower accident.”

“What’s the matter kid, don’t they have toys in Cleveland?”

“You can call me Bandit.”

“Karma is a funny thing.”

“Perforated suppository, a what?!”

“I’m telling you, son, I once drove through a river full of snakes.”

“That’s a 50-yard penalty for excessive driving, son.”

“All we gotta do is keep this guy between us and the Texas border.”

“You mean I’m supposed to chase him on foot?”

“Did you make that car come apart with the power of your mind?”

“Well boy, what we have here is a situation where the first thing you gotta do is, get your mind right.”