“Virginity is not a virtue, it’s just a lack of opportunity.” – Anonymous

“Virginity is not a state of virtue, it is a state of not having gotten lucky.” – John Green

“Virginity is not a trophy to be won, but a personal choice to be respected.” – Unknown

“Virginity is not a curse, it’s a gift to be cherished and shared with someone special.” – Anonymous

“Virginity is not something to be ashamed of; it’s a reflection of self-respect and personal boundaries.” – Unknown

“Virginity is not a measure of worth or value; it’s just a societal construct.” – Anonymous

“Virginity is not an obstacle to love or intimacy; it’s a personal journey of self-discovery.” – Unknown

“Virginity is not a guarantee of purity; true purity comes from the intentions of the heart.” – Anonymous

“Virginity is not a label to be proud of or ashamed of; it’s simply a personal choice.” – Unknown

“Virginity is not a condition to be fixed, but a personal decision to be respected.” – Anonymous

“Virginity is not something to be taken or given away; it’s a personal choice to be honored.” – Unknown 34TH ANNIVERSARY QUOTES

“Virginity is not a prize to be won or lost; it’s a state of being that should be respected.” – Anonymous

“Virginity is not a symbol of innocence; it’s a reflection of individual beliefs and values.” – Unknown

“Virginity is not a measure of purity or worth; it’s a personal journey of self-discovery.” – Anonymous

“Virginity is not a requirement for love or intimacy; it’s a personal choice and should be respected.” – Unknown

“Virginity is not a source of shame; it’s a personal boundary that deserves understanding and respect.” – Anonymous

“Virginity is not a burden to be carried; it’s a personal choice that should be celebrated.” – Unknown

“Virginity is not a prison; it’s a personal choice that should be respected.” – Anonymous

“Virginity is not a defeat or a victory; it’s a personal decision that deserves respect.” – Unknown

“Virginity is not a sign of inexperience; it’s a personal journey of self-discovery and should be honored.” – Anonymous