Here are 20 funny quotes about fathers and daughters:

“A father is someone who carries pictures in his wallet where his money used to be.” – Unknown

“Daddy, thanks for being my unpaid chauffeur, banker, counselor, and biggest fan.” – Unknown

“A father is someone who has photos of his daughter where his money used to be.” – Unknown

“Dad: a daughter’s first love and the first man who will always have her heart, even if they are just playing cards.” – Unknown

“The love between a father and daughter is forever, but the balance in his bank account is temporary.” – Unknown

“Dads are like chocolate chip cookies; they may have chips or be a little nutty, but they’re always sweet.” – Unknown

“Daughters are like birds, they’ll sing and make noise, but deep down they just want you to feed them.” – Unknown

“A daughter is just a little girl who grows up to be her dad’s confidante and number one tax consultant.” – Unknown

“A dad is a daughter’s superhero, but only until she realizes that money can buy ice cream.” – Unknown

“When a daughter asks her dad, ‘Dad, can you make me breakfast?’ he automatically translates it to, ‘Can you burn toast?'” – Unknown MY DAUGHTER IS ALL GROWN UP QUOTES

“Dads may not know how to braid their daughter’s hair perfectly, but they’ll always try their best to make the hairstyle resemble something.” – Unknown

“A father’s job is to embarrass his daughter, so when she’s older, she’ll appreciate his sense of humor.” – Unknown

“My dad thinks he’s hilarious, but I just humor him to avoid being grounded.” – Unknown

“A father’s love is unconditional, even when his jokes are terrible.” – Unknown

“Daughters are like WiFi; dads pretend to understand them, but they’re mostly just glad it’s working.” – Unknown

“I asked my dad why I couldn’t date until I was 18, and he said, ‘Because I said so and I’m the boss.’ I replied, ‘But Mom is the boss of you,’ and suddenly I wasn’t allowed to talk.” – Unknown

“After realizing I shared all his physical and personality traits, my dad started calling me Mini Me.” – Unknown

“Daughters are a dad’s stress reliever because if you can make them laugh, you can survive anything.” – Unknown

“Being a daddy’s girl means having someone to blame when you cover the bathroom in toilet paper.” – Unknown

“My dad thinks he’s a comedian, but I’m not laughing anymore… okay, maybe just a little.” – Unknown