“Trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.”

“Have a heart that never hardens, a temper that never tires, and a touch that never hurts.”

“Suffering is a great grace; through suffering, the soul becomes like the Savior.”

“Prayer is the best weapon we have; it is the key to God’s heart.”

“The only lasting possessions we have are the ones we give away.”

“Thank God ahead of time for whatever He decides.”

“God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say ‘thank you’?”

“Love and charity are the same; with charity you give love.”

“Be humble, be simple, and bring joy to others.”

“The more we put into our prayer, the more God gives us to put into our life.”

“The only way to live in any true sense is to live for others.”

“True happiness lies in making others happy.”

“God will never be outdone in generosity.”

“An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered.”

“In all things, give thanks.” HUSBAND SELFISH QUOTES

“Sacrifice is a song of love.”

“Be who you are, and be that well.”

“Work hard as if everything depended on you; pray hard as if everything depended on God.”

“Prayer is like oxygen; we need it to survive.”

“God loves you so much that He cannot bear to be without you.”

“We are all called to be saints; don’t miss your chance.”

“Do not be troubled or anxious about anything, but trust in God’s love.”

“Grow where you are planted, and bloom where you are planted.”

“God’s ways are not our ways, and His timing is perfect.”

“When you pray, be careful of your thoughts; they may wander off into all sorts of distractions. Grab them and bring them back to the point.”

“Every act of kindness is a reflection of God’s love.”

“Suffering is an opportunity to grow closer to God and deepen our faith.”

“The greatest gift we can give to others is our time.”

“Our hearts are made to love, and the more we love, the more our hearts expand.”