“Dad: a son’s first hero, a daughter’s first love.” – Unknown

“The greatest gift I ever had came from God; I call him Dad.” – Unknown

“A father is neither an anchor to hold us back, nor a sail to take us there, but a guiding light whose love shows us the way.” – Unknown

“Any man can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad.” – Anne Geddes

“A father’s love is forever imprinted on his child’s heart.” – Unknown

“Dad, you are my superhero and my role model. Thanks for everything.” – Unknown

“Dad, your guiding hand on my shoulder will be with me forever.” – Unknown

“A father’s love is the greatest gift a child can ever receive.” – Unknown

“The love between a father and his child is unbreakable and lasts forever.” – Unknown

“Dad, you’re the first person I want to talk to when I have good news and the only one I turn to when I need advice.” – Unknown

“A father’s love is like no other, it knows no limits and has no conditions.” – Unknown

“Dads are the unsung heroes of our lives, always there to support and protect us.” – Unknown

“A father may not always be perfect, but his love for his child is always unconditional.” – Unknown

“A father’s love is a powerful force that can overcome any obstacle.” – Unknown

“A father’s influence shapes his child’s future with every word and action.” – Unknown FAMOUS PUNJABI QUOTES ABOUT LIFE

“Having a loving and supportive father is the greatest blessing anyone can ask for.” – Unknown

“Dad, you are the rock on which our family stands strong. Happy Father’s Day!” – Unknown

“A father’s love reflects in his child’s eyes, a bond that can never be broken.” – Unknown

“Dads are like stars; you may not always see them, but you know they’re there.” – Unknown

“Thank you, Dad, for being my constant source of strength and inspiration.” – Unknown

“A father’s love is like a compass, guiding his child through life’s journey.” – Unknown

“Dads teach us valuable lessons not through their words but through their actions.” – Unknown

“Dad, you are my forever superhero.” – Unknown

“Fathers are the steady hand that guides us through life’s ups and downs.” – Unknown

“A father’s love is our greatest source of courage and confidence.” – Unknown

“Dad, thanks for always being my biggest supporter and cheerleader.” – Unknown

“Having you as my dad makes me the luckiest person in the world.” – Unknown

“A father’s love is a gift that gives us the strength to conquer anything.” – Unknown

“Dad, you are my role model, mentor, and best friend. Thank you for everything.” – Unknown