“Fake friends are like shadows, they follow you in the sun but leave you in the dark.”

“Some friendships are not worth fighting for, especially when they are built on lies and deceit.”

“True friends may not always be there, but they will never let you down.”

“When you find out who your true friends are, hold onto them tightly and let go of the fake ones.”

“Fake friends are like fair-weather sailors, they only stick around when the sea is calm.”

“A fake friend will pretend to care until they find someone better.”

“Hiding behind a smile doesn’t make someone a true friend.”

“Fake friends are like plastic flowers, they may look beautiful, but they lack authenticity.”

“Don’t waste your time on fake friends, invest in those who genuinely appreciate you.”

“Fake friends believe in rumors, real friends believe in you.”

“People come and go, but true friends leave footprints on your heart.”

“Fake friends are like chameleons, constantly changing colors to fit their own agenda.”

“True friends may be few and far between, but they make life worth living.”

“Fake friends are good at talking, but true friends are excellent listeners.”

“Sometimes it’s better to have no friends than to be surrounded by fake ones.”

“Fake friends are like autumn leaves, they fall off when the season changes.” INSPIRATIONAL POSITIVE QUOTES FOR WORK

“If someone only talks to you when they need something, they are not a true friend.”

“A fake friend will always find an excuse, a real friend will always find time.”

“Fake friends are only interested in being a part of your success, not your struggle.”

“True friends may be silent, but their presence speaks volumes.”

“Don’t let fake friends dim your light; shine bright and attract real friends.”

“Fake friends will praise you to your face and criticize you behind your back.”

“It’s better to be alone than surrounded by fake friends who don’t truly care.”

“Fake friends are like a broken mirror, they can never reflect the real you.”

“True friends are the ones who stay by your side even during your darkest times.”

“Fake friends will make you feel bad for being yourself, true friends will embrace your uniqueness.”

“Don’t let fake friends take up space in your life; create room for genuine connections.”

“Fake friends will use you, real friends will support you.”

“A true friend will never let you down, even in the worst of times.”

“Life is too short to waste it on fake friends; surround yourself with those who bring out the best in you.”