“We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert when the drugs began to take hold.”

“There he goes. One of God’s own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.”

“I was right in the middle of a fucking reptile zoo, and somebody was giving booze to these goddamn things.”

“The only thing that really worried me was the ether. There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge.”

“Every now and then when your life gets complicated and the weasels start closing in, the only cure is to load up on heinous chemicals and then drive like a bastard from Hollywood to Las Vegas … with the music at top volume and at least a pint of ether.”

“In a closed society where everybody’s guilty, the only crime is getting caught.”

“I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they’ve always worked for me.”

“There was madness in any direction, at any hour. You could strike sparks anywhere. There was a fantastic universal sense that whatever we were doing was right, that we were winning.”

“No sympathy for the devil; keep that in mind. Buy the ticket, take the ride.”

“We can’t stop here, this is bat country!”

“The possibility of physical and mental collapse is now very real. No sympathy for the Devil, keep that in mind. Buy the ticket, take the ride.”

“A man who has been dead for three days, who will never really die.”

“Absolute truth is a very rare and dangerous commodity in the context of professional journalism.” DEEP QUOTES FRIENDSHIP

“Too weird to live, too rare to die!”

“Freedom is something you take with your teeth, like a feral dog.”

“Anything worth doing is worth doing right, and worth doing now.”

“No explanation, no mix of words or music or memories can touch that sense of knowing that you were there and alive in that corner of time and the world.”

“A little bit of this town goes a very long way.”

“Is this not some kind of insanity?”

“We were all wired on God knows what kind of amphetamines, and all desperately afraid. High on the drug of our own white-hot hatred, adrenaline pumping through our veins like nitro.”

“Man, I can’t tell you how much I needed that. Nothing quite like a newly stripped-down V-8 supercharged powerplant to start the day right.”

“We didn’t have all the details yet, but I was already sure we were doomed. I mean, after all, the enemy had us surrounded, and they were cutting off our supply lines.”

“Beware of looking for goals: look for a way of life. Decide how you want to live and then see what you can do to make a living WITHIN that way of life.”

“We were riding the crest of a high and beautiful wave…”

“Forget that magazine. Love is a nervous heart beating faster. It is really important to try to find something better than this.”